Resurrection Remix 5.7.3 by (MickeyCuteXD) XOLO Omega 5.5 - xolo omega roms


mediatek roms for smartphones the best stable rom



Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Resurrection Remix 5.7.3 by (MickeyCuteXD) XOLO Omega 5.5


GPS/agps/ygps (fixed)
1080p video rec/gallery playback (fixed) video playback portrait mode in stock cm13 browser (fixed)


Android 6.0.1_r53->6.0.1_r61
Frameworks: Halo Color
Frameworks: HALO
Halo: Add option to Enable/Disable Halo Button in Header
SysUI: Fix Layouts of Halo Button within Expanded Statusbar
StatusbarHeader: Fix Headsup and Halo Button Animations
Halo: Reverse message bubble bg and text colors
Blur: Minor fixes
Blur: Fix Arithmetic Exception when Radius and Scale are set to 0
Blur: Major update
SystemUI: BatteryBar: Gradient color
SystemUI: Display bluetooth battery status when available
Implement Blur Statusbar personalization options
Update halo and heads up qs button
Configurable Notifications transparency
Configurable Smartbar button transparency
Fix up header button icon, position and animation
Network Traffic and Custom Logos: Fix Inverted SB icon tint when color is white
Option to set custom scrolling values
Statusbar: Gracefully adapt 3Minit Battery hook for AOSP
Add 3Minit battery mod
Option to let ADB always notify
Custom Toast Color Options
Fix FC on Seekbar in VOlume dialog and power menu Stroke & opacity
SystemUI: Add vector support to SlimRecents
Update Slim Recent App Sidebar
mountservice: Don't nuke all volumes when decrypting (Speeds up bootime by 30 % for encrypted devices)
SysUI: Add theme manager permission
Themes: Add permission to themes protected broadcasts
Instant reboot action trigger
MobileNetworkSettings: Check CarrierConfig on isWorldMode
EditPhoneNumberPreference: Prevent empty text from being set
Dynamically tell the user which vendor image is needed
Show a more descriptive message when vendor.img is out of date
Update Kernel Adiutor apk
make overlay permission check configurable
fw: enforce android.permission.PREVENT_SYSTEM_KEYS in system server
SysUI: Add RecreateStatusbar to Quick Settings Blur
SysUI: Make sure new Blur Features dont Conflict with Transparency Items
bootanimation: add multithreaded decode
framework: don't allow assist activities while not provisioned
Services: Fix a small Derp from instant reboot action
sepolicy: Let the IO prefetcher look at sdcardfs
sepolicy: Put theme service in its own context
sepolicy: More IOP rules
sepolicy: Fix MTP for sdcardfs
Translation Updates
All updates from CM

Download link!K19xHa6T!TYifAoJhtzPhi6UMRvLRd7xGnSEpVh0lAWUMM7G9y5o


Tirth Patel 
Altan KRK
Varun Date
Akhil Narang
Brian Koluch









  1. -_- mirrored and bypassed adpt page, who the heck told u to post this without my permission -_- :v

  2. -_- mirrored and bypassed adpt page, who the heck told u to post this without my permission -_- :v

    1. rahil told me and i have already given credits because ur mega download links are not working properly so there is no wrong here bro chill and i didn't said that i made this rom given credits to u only try to understand that's it

    2. Hey guys, but are we getting any updates or not. I would really like updates for this ROM

  3. Hi
    This ROM is by far the best for omega 5.5 and I have not come across any bugs till now. Howeve,I have one issue.It is the same issuevi faced with CM13 ROM.

    Bluetooth is connectivity is very uncertain. It detects my Bluetooth speaker and my other phone instantly but,for some reason it is not detecting my selfie stick.

    My other phone is running stock ROM and is ablecto detect any device instantly.

    There was no issue with CM12 in this regard. So, I request you to please check if this can e fixed.I have done the clear Bluetooth data,force close and restart but,no change in the issue.

    Please help.I like this ROM a lot and I don't want to go back to lollipop.

  4. please tell flash step in details. thanks in advance

    1. 1-Download CM or TWRP recovery IMG for xolo omega 5.5
      2-Flash it using Rashr
      3-Download the ROM zip file
      4-Go into custom recovery, wipe
      all data except internal & external memory
      5-Install zip & reboot
      All done!

  5. My network data is not working after flashing this rom though wifi works properly.
    Help please

  6. This is an excellent rom. I haven't installed gapps but downloaded YouTube and other google apps from playstore. But the video seems to stop playing(video freezes) in YouTube app. How can this be happening and would like to hope for a solution.
